Chocolate Dipped Grahams with Smoked Sea Salt

Chocolate Dipped Grahams with Smoked Sea Salt

How is it that just when you think you got it all figured out - you realize you don’t. That’s what happened with these cookies. In my mind they were going to come out perfect. I tracked down what I thought was the most reliable graham cracker recipe,

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Cherry Tomato Gazpacho

Cherry Tomato Gazpacho

As September rolls around my mind turns to crisp apples and sweaters, but it’s a little early for that here in Portland, we’ve had some spectacular hot days with more to come. And of course with our tomato plants producing fruit faster than we can eat them, I’ve been searching for all things possible with tomatoes.

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Tomato + Zucchini Galette

Tomato + Zucchini Galette

So many tomatoes! Little did I know last June that the three tomato plants I placed in the ground would be so bountiful. I’m not exactly known for a green thumb and at the time I was just hoping they wouldn’t keel over and die. But that didn’t happen.

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